ComSi Events


With this plugin you can:

  • Create eventents with a single, multiday or a recurring type of frequency
  • Display this in an overview with a lay-out for
    • List
    • Grid
    • Calender
    • Map (MapBox)


English (default)
This is the default plugin language.

Translated 100%.


This will create overview for the filtered posts.

This will create a carousel for with the filtered posts.


No actions yet…


Change the classes on the featured colors in the Mapbox overview. The params you’ll receive: (array) $current_classes.

Change the overview thumbnail size. The params you’ll receive: (string) $current_size.


Version 1.3.4

Release Date: April 26th, 2019

  1. Fixed: Bleeding enddate after saving a single-day-event after a multiple-day-event
  2. Fixed: Bleeding times variahble in mapbox markers
  3. Syntax: Removed unused console logs
  4. Info: Added plugin URL to plugins page

Version 1.3.3

Release Date: April 26th, 2019

  1. Added: Option to hide dates and times on single template and in mapbox

Version 1.3.2

Release Date: April 26th, 2019

  1. Added: Feature an event in Mapbox
  2. Fixed: Style of popup on mobile phone

Version 1.3.1

Release Date: August 20th, 2018

  1. Added: overview option for mapbox
  2. Added: set default map location
  3. Added: filter for thumbnail size in overview `events_overview_thumbnail_size`
  4. Fixed updater when using banners

Version 1.2.6

Release Date: August 16th, 2018

  1. Added: color option settings for default template (text+hover and background)
  2. Added: Showing the year of the event when it’s not the current year in the default grid layout
  3. Added: Option to show only future, only past or all events
  4. Added: Option to sort events ascending or descending
  5. Updated: Translations

Version 1.2.5

Release Date: August 9th, 2018

  1. Added: abbility for multiple calendars on one page
  2. Added: option for hiding the calendar header
  3. Added: text in list-layout for no-results (can be changed through translations)
  4. Fixed: missing extra classname in shortcodes
  5. Fixed: event time is missing in overview for single day events
  6. Fixed: mobile display of grid-layout
  7. Removed: console logs

Version 1.2.4

Release Date: August 9th, 2018

  1. Fixed: Start and endtime bug

Version 1.2.3

Release Date: August 8th, 2018

  1. Added: Colors for events (display multiple color in one calendar)
  2. Added: Paragraph-tag to list-layout
  3. Added: Styling for list-layout
  4. Updated: Settings for layout

Version 1.1.2

Release Date: August 8th, 2018

  1. Fixed: Maps use of the ComSi Events – Google API key
  2. Fixed: Display of date and time in overview for recurring events

Version 1.1.1

Release Date: August 7th, 2018

  1. Added: display/hide private events based on capability

Version 1.0.0

Release Date: July 19th, 2018

  1. Initial release – The first version