ComSi Custom Login


With this plugin you can:

  • replace the default WordPress login
  • redirect the users to a specific page after login, based on there role
  • display or hide the WordPress toolbar for users, based on there role
  • restrict the access to the full website by requiring a login


This will create the “Login” page. With the optional attribute ccl_main_form="true" u can choose with login-form the user gets redirected to.

This will create the “Your profile” page.

This will create the “Registration” page.

This will create the “Password lost” page.

This will create the “Password reset” page.

This shortcode will create the text “Login” when a user is not yet logged in. And will change to “Welcome {user}, Sign out” when a user is logged in.


This action is applied after a user-registration is successfully done. This action has one parameter (WP_User) $registered_user.

With this action you’re able to add extra fields to the user-registration form.


With this filter u can change the the URL the user get redirected to after a successfull registration. This action has one parameter (string) $redirect_url.

Change the message which is shown below the registration form


Version 1.5.2

Release Date: April 3th, 2023

    1. Remove ccl-pages from default sitemap

Version 1.5.1

Release Date: November 16th, 2022

    1. Color migration to Elementor with WPBakery VisualComposer fallback
    2. Removed Prepros dependency by changing over form SCSS to CSS with var()

Version 1.5.0

Release Date: August 15th, 2022

    1. Added Elementor compatibility

Version 1.4.10

Release Date: juni 20th, 2022

    1. vc_map hook improvements for better performance


Release Date: March 28th, 2022

    1. Patch: expanding pre_get_posts with default post_types

Version 1.4.9

Release Date: March 25th, 2022

    1. Fixed: redirection with SiteLogin required (endless redirection)

Version 1.4.8

Release Date: March 25th, 2022

    1. Fixed: fetch ccl-pages on pre-get-posts

Version 1.4.7

Release Date: March 25th, 2022

    1. Changed: styled the submit buttons to the7-style

Version 1.4.6

Release Date: March 22th, 2022

    1. Fixed: a compactibility issue with Elementor

Version 1.4.5

Release Date: March 22th, 2022

    1. Improved: update pages to ccl_pages on activation and the other way around on deactivation

Version 1.4.4

Release Date: March 22th, 2022

    1. Fixed: multisite issues in updater functions
    2. Removed: unused updater functions

Version 1.4.3

Release Date: March 22th, 2022

    1. Changed: also run updates after plugins_loaded when migration needed
    2. Fixed: missing function get_plugin_data() for the plugin_version
    3. Syntax: fixed some typos

Version 1.4.2

Release Date: October 22th, 2021

    1. Added: Missing error message in reset password
    2. Changed: Updated the page_dropdowns with CCL-pages on the settings page
    3. Fixed: The post_type “ccl_page” didn’t work correct on the rewriterules
    4. Updated translations

Version 1.4.1

Release Date: October 14th, 2021

    1. Change: Convert the pages with ccl-shortcodes to (CPT) ccl_page
    2. Fixed: Duplicate creation of pages in activation

Version 1.4.0

Release Date: October 14th, 2021

    1. Added: The CustomPostType (CPT) ccl_page
    2. Added: reCAPTCHA option for login-form and registration-form
    3. Added: Updater with migrations
    4. Changed: Moved CCL-pages from cpt:page to cpt:ccl_page
    5. Fixed: Deprecated: Non-static method CCL\Setup::loadTextDomain() should not be called statically
    6. Fixed: Find shortcode with params
    7. Fixed: Return output instead of echo
    8. Styled: Notifications layout for default login and registration form
    9. Styled: Removed border on login button
    10. Styled: form buttons
    11. Updated: translations
    12. Syntax formatting

Version 1.3.6

Release Date: June 11th, 2020

    1. Changed: Hide toolbar on init hook
    2. Fixed: Single success message in login
    3. Fixed: Static function call of redirect_to_custom_login
    4. Fixed: Skip the message of activation of a new Multisite user
    5. Fixed: Redirection after site login required
    6. Fixed: Restore default hiding of toolbar

Version 1.3.0

Release Date: April 14th, 2020

    1. Added option for redirection of lthe lost-password page.

Version 1.2.6

Release Date: April 14th, 2020

    1. Added message for site-login-required
    2. Fixed vc_map’s weren’t shown in multisite in some situations. Running it on better hook now.
    3. Fixed redirect URL (was undefined)
    4. Fixed default access to wp-admin
    5. Internal clean-up of some code

Version 1.2.2

Release Date: October 17th, 2019

    1. Fixed translation typo

Version 1.2.1

Release Date: September 26th, 2019

    1. Updated the updater with banner options

Version 1.2.0

Release Date: September 6th, 2019

    1. Updated all visual display of messages
    2. Changed display of description messages
    3. Fixed changing passwords
    4. Updated translations

Version 1.1.24

Release Date: July 15th, 2019

    1. Fixed style of label in reset password forms
    2. Fixed menu selection of active menu-item
    3. Fixed customResetMessage error from errorlog
    4. Fixed messages for expired and invalid key are now visible
    5. Updated initial creation of pages
    6. Updated translations

Version 1.1.23

Release Date: April 26th, 2019

    1. Fixed an undefined message in updater of the plugin

Version 1.1.22

Release Date: April 4th, 2019

    1. Added hook for extra fields in registration form

Version 1.1.21

Release Date: Januari 28th, 2019

  1. Created the capability ‘ccl_options’ for CCL access
  2. Added this capability for administrators
  3. Blocked menu options for this capability

Version 1.1.20

Release Date: Januari 28th, 2019

  1. Show CCL in admin-menu when user can ‘manage_options’

Version 1.1.19

Release Date: Januari 21th, 2019

  1. Fixed a redirection loop from version 1.1.18

Version 1.1.18

Release Date: Januari 17th, 2019

  1. Change the redirection to the profile-page

Version 1.1.17

Release Date: Januari 7th, 2019

  1. Fixed an error when users have no role

Version 1.1.16

Release Date: Januari 2nd, 2019

  1. Auto-focus on username field now in vanilla javascript

Version 1.1.15

Release Date: December 28th, 2018

  1. Updated translations

Version 1.1.14

Release Date: November 26th, 2018

  1. Removed unnecessary include
  2. Auto-focus on username field
  3. Added filter ccl_redirect_after_user_registration for redirection after user-registration
  4. Added action ccl_after_user_registration after user-registration
  5. Updated documentation
  6. Updated translations

Version 1.1.13

Release Date: November 23th, 2018

  1. Added the option for selecting the main login form to WPBakery Page Builder. This will come in handy when you have multiple login forms.

Version 1.1.12

Release Date: September 21th, 2018

  1. Added the element Login-link to WPBakery Page Builder
  2. Added an information page with the usable shortcodes
  3. Updated the translations
  4. Fixed an error while fetching a plugin ont the frontend

Version 1.1.11

Release Date: August 29th, 2018

  1. Added the option to display or hide “Remember me” option on login page
  2. Added functionality to overwrite default translations in wp-content/languages/plugins
  3. Added submenu’s in WP-admin
  4. Updated some styling on settingspage
  5. Fixed an undefined index in the updater

Version 1.1.10

Release Date: August 23th, 2018

  1. Fixed an issue when fetching data with no access to the WP-admin

Version 1.1.9

Release Date: August 20th, 2018

  1. Fixed a notice for calling the styles to soon
  2. Fixed an issue in the updater

Version 1.1.8

Release Date: August 16th, 2018

  1. Added the english language
  2. Added the short code [ccl-login-link] for a login-link
  3. Bugfix – Profile page submitted to /account
  4. Bugfix – If the administrator was not the first role, administrator couldn’t login
  5. Bugfix – All other plugins displayed our plugin update information
  6. Added 1 item to the ToDo list

Version 1.1.7

Release Date: August 9th, 2018

  1. Remove margin when toolbar is hidden
  2. Remove select from administrator to restrict access to backend
  3. Added display-style to label

Version 1.1.6

Release Date: August 9th, 2018

  1. Add fix to refresh permalink, so pages will be found

Version 1.1.5

Release Date: August 8th, 2018

  1. Add the option to display/hide forgotten link on login form

Version 1.1.4

Release Date: August 8th, 2018

  1. Fixed the redirect for site with more then 5 pages

Version 1.1.3

Release Date: August 8th, 2018

  1. Updated the stylesheet syntax

Version 1.1.2

Release Date: August 8th, 2018

  1. Added update functionality

Version 1.1.1

Release Date: August 7th, 2018

  1. Release information – Added release information to readme-file
  2. reCAPTCHA enqueue script – Only include reCAPTCHA if it is used

Version 1.1.0

Release Date: August 6th, 2018

  1. Shortcode based pages – Finding and redirecting pages based on shortcodes
  2. Translations added – Added translations on text-domain: ccl
  3. Roles integrations – Added user options based on roles
  4. Toolbar hiding – Hide the toolbar based on userrole
  5. Registration settings – Created settigns for required fields for the registration-form
  6. Site-wide login required – Added option foor site-wide login-requirement
  7. Login with options – Added option for using email or username for login
  8. reCAPTCHA optional – Fixed reCAPTCHA if it is not set
  9. Default usage on shortcode remove – Return to default functionality when shortcodes are removed

Version 1.0.0

Release Date: July 19th, 2018

  1. Initial release – The first version